An evil eye has a very strong negative effect. A person with an evil eye brings destructive and negative influences. He or she may be responsible for casualties and misfortunes in other people's lives without even wishing it. However, people cannot constantly stay away from such a person trying to avoid the harm. Kabbalah shows several ways to turn the evil eye away.
Amulets are one type of evil eye protection. Since amulets are not only protective, but also beneficial in many ways, they are most commonly used for this matter. An amulet is mainly for someone who wants both protection and good luck on a daily basis. Most amulets are also pleasant to the eye and worn mostly by women.

Other method of protection is wearing a red string bracelet. Kabbalah adherents have been using a red string bracelet as a protective charm for centuries. This method implies tying a red string or putting a red bracelet on a wrist. Red strings were originally taken from the cloth which was used to cover the tomb of Rachel, Jacob's wife. Like a protective amulet, a red string bracelet is believed to be incredibly powerful against the evil eye. However, wearing a charm is only the first step you can take to protect yourself. It is essential to understand what makes you vulnerable when it comes to the evil eye phenomenon. There are people who do not experience any discomfort in the presence of a person with an evil eye whatsoever. And there are individuals who can wear a protective amulet and still find themselves weak and unprotected in such a situation.

Then it comes to the last but not the least protection tool: Kabbalah numerology. In Kabbalah numerology everything becomes clear regarding your nature of interaction and communication with other people. There are certain things about every one of us that can alienate the others, making people more aggressive or even envious. If someone is predisposed to envy and negative thinking, he or she may pose a threat to the vulnerable individuals. Kabbalah numerology studies the vibrations of your name and explains how it influences your life and ability to attract or repel negativity. It also shows the ways to solve the problem and turn the evil eye away.
Kabbalah sources are full of versatile knowledge. Kabbalah covers various aspects of life and daily reality. It can give answers to numerous questions that many individuals have been pondering over for centuries. Let us define some of the aspects that Kabbalah consists of. Kabbalah numerology is an essential part of this doctrine. It provides a way to interpret the influences that the sounds of a name may have on the person's destiny.

People can learn a lot about themselves by exploring these effects. Using Kabbalah numerology they can discover their predestined way, natural inclinations, hidden abilities, and really strong gifts. Moreover, they can learn how certain individuals can react to or interact with other people. Kabbalah numerology also casts light on such important areas of our life as education,

occupation and marriage. That is why it helps make the right choice for the future career, hobbies or even the life partner.
Another important part of Kabbalah is the various types of protective jewelry. Kabbalah is one of the few doctrines that support the concept of a protective amulet. Just like a talisman it is commonly used to provide the evil eye protection for people under negative influences.

The evil eye protection is a complex process which requires acquiring positive attitude and confidence in one's own powers. It also requires regular usage of a protective amulet. However, as opposed to an amulet, a talisman may not only protect, but also endow distinctive qualities to its wearer, such as: intuition, acumen, better perception, better mental activity and physical performance. That is the main reason why most people prefer wearing a talisman to using any other methods of protection.

However, Kabbalah followers are also familiar with such a method of the evil eye protection as a red string bracelet. A red string
bracelet is not just a pretty charm that protects from the evil eye though. It also changes people in a positive way by filling their life with a lot of positive influences. One should always wear a red string bracelet for better healing, professional success and constant protection.
Any piece of Kabala jewelry should be worn deliberately, with intention and the sense of purpose, whether it is a talisman, an amulet or a Kabala red string. One should feel the connection with this object that has magical powers capable of making one's life better. It is essential to understand the meaning of a red string bracelet as a protective charm before you put one on your wrist. It is not a mere trinket, or a useless thread. Even though it is usually a nice-looking, stylish piece of jewelry, it also possesses protective, therapeutic and beneficial qualities.

Thanks to these qualities the bracelet forms a unique spiritual bond with the wearer that can favor his or her future and assure prosperity. In this respect wearing a red string bracelet is important for those who want to achieve success in work, promote their education, or improve their marriage and personal connections.

There is a new powerful way to use a red string bracelet when it comes to family. When used by several family members, a red string bracelet gives a strong spiritual blessing to the whole family and its descendants. The blessing usually lasts for a long time and works for several generations even after the string bracelets are not worn any more. It enhances people's ability to connect and find support and consolation in each other during hard times. It can also break family or generational curses, cure severe diseases, and save a family from poverty.

Another use of a red string bracelet is related to protection against the evil eye of envy and jealousy. A red string bracelet has incredible magical or protective powers. It takes all the negativity away before the physical and spiritual bodies of the person can absorb it. People always need to feel that they are not alone. By wearing these nice Kabala bracelets they can feel the presence of supernatural powers that protect and guard them. However, a Kabala red string can also bring new people and soul mates in your life so wherever you feel lonely, a red string will attract someone to keep you company.